Home Korean News BLACKPINK’s Lisa flaunts phone case with initials of rumored boyfriend Frederic Arnault in now-deleted post

BLACKPINK’s Lisa flaunts phone case with initials of rumored boyfriend Frederic Arnault in now-deleted post

by Liza Terry
BLACKPINK’s Lisa flaunts phone case with initials of rumored boyfriend Frederic Arnault in now-deleted post

BLACKPINK’s Lisa flaunts phone case with initials of rumored boyfriend Frederic Arnault in now-deleted post

Followers are buzzing about Lisa's cellular phone case because it has the initials of her rumored boyfriend, Fredric Arnault, which makes them specialize in it's an identical item for couples.

Lisa: courtesy of Lisa's Instagram

Key Highlight
  • Lisa no longer too lengthy in the past performed on the 2024 Gala Des Pieces Jaunes
  • Lisa and Fredric Arnault’s relationship rumors started final yr after the two had been noticed all but again and all but again t

Lisa from BLACKPINK is once all but again in the spotlight, and this time that is resulting from her cellular phone case. It is decorated with the initials F.A., which has got other folks speculating just a few that you just would possibly maybe well well well presumably also imagine connection to Frédéric Arnault. This has wonderful added gas to the relationship rumors surrounding Lisa and Frédéric Arnault, who modified into beforehand associated with TAG Heuer luxurious watches and is now the CEO of LVMH watches.

YGX dancer mistakenly shows Lisa’s cellular phone case that contains the initials F.A.

On January 29, 2024, a viral photo captured BLACKPINK’s Lisa taking a selfie with dancers in the future of her 2024 Gala Des Pieces Jaunes performance at Accor Enviornment in France. Lisa shared a version of the image on her Instagram carousel however with a cropped allotment. A YGX dancer and choreographer later posted an uncropped version, revealing Lisa keeping a cellular phone with the aid quilt exhibiting the initials F.A. This has sparked hypothesis about Lisa the utilization of a cellular phone case that contains the initials of her rumored boyfriend, Frederic Arnault.

The cellular phone case showcased in the photo, which has since been removed, modified into crafted by the luxurious leather accessories ticket Maison de Sabre, a ticket all but again and all but again favored by BLACKPINK contributors. Despite this, some online users occupy raised doubts about the ownership of the cellular phone case, with certain netizens questioning the clarity of the photo and whether or no longer the initials on the case in fact spell F.A. Within the length in-between, an outmoded photo of Frederic Arnault with a concealed cellular phone case has surfaced online, fueling hypothesis among followers that he also can occupy Lisa’s initials on his cellular phone case, presumably making it an identical couple item.

Frederic Arnault attending Lisa’s performance

On January 26, 2024, BLACKPINK’s Lisa took the spotlight at Le Gala Des Pieces Jaunes, marking her inaugural solo stage since opting now to no longer renew her contract along with her frail company, YG Leisure. For the length of the performance, Lisa showcased her singing and dancing abilities, decorated in an horny golden ensemble. In attendance had been her supportive fogeys, in conjunction with the essential presence of her rumored boyfriend, Frederic Arnault, who sat alongside her mother in the viewers.

The speculations surrounding Lisa and Frederic’s romantic involvement surfaced final yr, and so that they’ve been noticed together publicly, seriously in Paris in 2023. After Lisa’s performance at Loopy Horse, Frederic accompanied her out of a Parisian restaurant, even keeping an umbrella for her as they departed together. Earlier in 2023, in the future of BLACKPINK’s US encore tour, Lisa modified into in Thailand, her home nation, and reviews urged that Frederic Arnault modified into also contemporary in the nation on the related time. It is important to veil that neither Lisa nor Frederic has formally confirmed or denied the rumors surrounding their alleged romantic relationship.

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Source credit : pinkvilla

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