Home Korean News THE BOYZ leaves IST Entertainment; New agency ONE HUNDRED issues statement for dispute over trademark rights of group name

THE BOYZ leaves IST Entertainment; New agency ONE HUNDRED issues statement for dispute over trademark rights of group name

by Liza Terry
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THE BOYZ leaves IST Entertainment; New agency ONE HUNDRED issues statement for dispute over trademark rights of group name

THE BOYZ has officially parted methods with IST Leisure. Then again, they’re in actuality embroiled in a dispute with the agency over trademark rights of their community's name.

THE BOYZ: portray from IST Leisure
THE BOYZ: portray from IST Leisure

IST Leisure officially launched that THE BOYZ individuals own terminated their contracts as of December 5. Beforehand, their recent agency, ONE HUNDRED, revealed that despite great effort, they were unable to stable the trademark rights to preserve the utilize of the identical name for the community. Then again, later, IST Leisure claimed that they had granted free usage rights to the individuals. Their recent agency has refuted the claims.

On December 5, THE BOYZ officially parted methods with IS Leisure. This morning, the agency acknowledged, “We be apologetic concerning the hot misinformation regarding the trademark and would decide to honest this, indicting to ONE HUNDRED’s outdated assertion that they failed to stable the rights of the community’s name after negotiation fell via.

“Contrary to what has been reported, now we own already decided to have all 11 individuals of THE BOYZ with the gorgeous to utilize the trademark freed from fee and own already conveyed this to the individuals,” IST Leisure acknowledged, saying that the community can utilize the identical name for free for any activities.

Then again, they clarified that this permission used to be given completely to the individuals and now not their recent agency.

On the other hand, ONE HUNDRED, the recent agency THE BOYZ signed with, has a entirely varied part to teach. Following IST Leisure’s assertion on the morning of December 5, the agency revealed a brand recent replace. They acknowledged that IST Leisure’s claims of giving free usage rights of the name to the individuals are wrong.

“If IST Leisure had indeed granted free usage rights to The Boyz as the agency asserted, we would possibly possibly doubtless own ensured that the trademark usage rights, which rightfully belong to the artists, were safe in the course of their contract period for the sake of the artists and their followers, The Bs,” ONE HUNDRED said.

They extra claimed that IST Leisure’s settlement proposal contains three prerequisites, two of which seem disadvantageous for THE BOYZ individuals. The community’s recent agency extra clarified that the proposed prerequisites acknowledged that IST Leisure would supply the individuals usage rights but now not possession of the name.

This contradicts IST Leisure’s outdated assertion. Fans are in actuality eagerly searching at for the last replace on whether the individuals will most doubtless be ready to utilize the name THE BOYZ.

Source credit : pinkvilla

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